Nachts gibt es in der schönen Oase leider keine Ruhe. Die laute Musik der Diskotheken ist bis morgens um 5 Uhr zu hören, sodass zum Schlafen Ohrstöpsel angesagt sind.
On the way to Arequipa I made a second stop in Huacachina, an Oasis near Ica. In Huacachina you can ride the sanddunes with sandbuggies and try to surf down from the top of the dunes with a sandboard. In praxis this proved a lot easier than snowboarding.
Unfortunately the oasis is not a very quiet place at night: From the nearby discos you could hear music till morning - parties in Peru have to be loud!
Die Oase Huacachina |
Unterwegs in der Dünenlandschaft |
Der Sandbuggy |
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